About Us
The Why Not Win Institute is a non-profit organization that develops and cultivates individual excellence by bringing leaders and key leadership topics to current and future leaders, based on the lessons in the book Why Not Win? by Larry Thornton.
The Why Not Win Institute launched in November of 2019 and the curriculum has been delivered at a number of colleges and universities, including, but not limited to Auburn University, Texas A&M University, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Fisk University, Alabama A&M University, and Alabama State University. The Institute has also presented to corporations to include, Harris Corporation, Alabama Power Company, and a 6-part series with Coca-Cola Bottling Company United (Atlanta).
The three pillars that encompass The Why Not Win Institute include:
Winning Sessions
The Why Not Win Institute sessions cover a range of topics that support leadership and professional development with an emphasis on personal accountability.
Each topic selected can be delivered to multiple level audiences and in keynote, training or seminar format. The certification of the instructors allow for the sessions to be submissible for Continuing Education Unit credit sessions.
See Past Examples of Sessions:
Winning Communications
“Some of the most pointed messages that you will ever send, receive or capitalize on will occur without the employment of a single word.” Your ability to consistently “win” in life will have as much to do with performance and your communication skills, relationship skills, interpersonal skills, demeanor, deportment and disposition. In this session students will gain a greater understanding of “winning and losing” through the power of positive and negative communication.
Wining Relationships
“You can have anything you want in life…as long as you are willing to help enough other people get what they want” – Zig Ziegler
In this session students will understand; -The value, process, and tenets of “relating your way to winning” consistently. -Realize and enhance their own opportunities for winning…by capitalizing on the success of others. -Thinking differently to make a difference – You don’t always have to create success…just follow it.
Personalizing Business (Leadership)
Taking charge of your personal “Corporation” to win!” In this session students will understand the importance of their individual development and professional positioning, as well as the importance of understanding their personal and professional brand.
This session operates on the premise that every single one of us “is in business for ourselves — so why not win?”

Inclusion is the “I” in WIN!
How organizations and teams can reach optimal performance by developing an “inclusion breakthrough” strategy to unleash the boundless creativity and productivity of team members.
What is it that you see when you see me…What is it that I see when I see you?
Understanding conscious and unconscious bias, knowing that they exist, then developing a plan of how to become personally aware and accountable in managing ones own biases.
Working Hard on Yourself
“Work harder on yourself than you do on any job.” – Jim Rohn
In this session students will learn; – The importance of taking responsibility of your own potential for winning (personal development). “It’s on you!” – Extracting inherent and meaningful lessons for winning in life… from our own missteps, challenges, and past failures. – That “the way that you are is not the way that you have to be” – The importance of “knowing your worth and the worth of others”

Change Before You Have To
Understanding the strategies and practices to help increase individual and organizational anticipation and response to change.
Team Building for Diverse Work Groups
A guide to gaining and sustaining performance in diverse teams.